New Collection - Under a Full Moon

New Collection - Under a Full Moon

Under a Full Moon celebrates each month’s full moon in an abstract manner. In addition, Baily’s Bead, Ring of Fire, and the Seasonal Blue Moon are represented in this series.


A Secret Garden

“In the Wild of Changing Things”

“Butterfly Kisses”


“Figuratively Speaking”

Sharing Expressions of Life Through Art

Hi! I am the artist behind Studio One Thirty Three. Each painting I create expresses an emotion, a moment in time, a reflection on something seen, heard, or felt. I begin each painting with an emotion and a general idea or concept of how I want to translate that emotion on to a surface. During the process the painting evolves, grows, sometimes completely changes - and that is the beauty of the process. I find as much joy in this process as I do when a painting is done, or a series/collection develops. My hope is that joy translates to you when you see my work.

Original Contemporary Art by Kristine Ziems

Sharing Expressions of Life Through Art