“Grounded by Nature”

Grounded by Nature” was developed during the lockdowns of COVID-19. My previous collection, “Waves of Change" debuted in January 2020. Little did I know the changes that were coming our way! Over the months of lockdown and uncertainty I struggled to find inspiration and energy to paint. I think we were all at a loss as to what was happening in our world. So, I allowed myself the time off.

I spent hours staring at our land, walking the acres, watching the livestock. And then, one day, I needed to paint. I needed to express the beauty I was seeing, the peace I was feeling, the calm in the midst of uncertain times. I felt thankful, rooted, and grounded by the nature around me. That is how this collection, “Grounded by Nature,” came to exists. I love it and hope you do too!

The gallery view makes all the images uniform. Please pay attention to the size descriptions.

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